P-252a) Signatures: Guido Mantega (Minister of Finance; 2nd variety) = Alexandre Antônio Tombini (25th President of the Central Bank)
Prefix: AA, AF, AG, AH, AJ, BA, BB, BD, BG, BH
Front: Symbolic e.. Смотреть далее »ffigy of the Republic, interpreted in form of a sculpture
Back: Hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
Put into circulation: 29.07.2013 P-252b) Signatures: Joaquim Vieira Ferreira Levy =
Alexandre Antônio Tombini
Prefix: CE, CH, CJ (000.000.001-033.306.000)
Issued 2015 P-252c) Signatures: Henrique de Campos Meirelles = Alexandre Antônio Tombini
Prefix: CJ (033.306.001-...), DE, DF, DG, DH (...-036.600.000)
Issued 2016 P-252d) Signatures: Henrique de Campos Meirelles (Minister of Finance) = Ilan Goldfajn (26th President of the Central Bank)
Prefix: DH (036.600.001), DJ, EA, EC, EF, EG, EH, EJ, EL, FA, FB (034.902.000)
Issue period: 2016-2018 P-252e) Signatures: Eduardo Refinetti Guardia (Minister of Finance) = Ilan Goldfajn (26th President of the Central Bank)
Prefixes: FB (>034902001), FG, FK, GA, GB
Issue period: 2018-2019 P-252f) Signature: Paulo Guedes (Minister of Finance) = Roberto Campos Neto (27th President of the Central Bank)
Prefixes: GI; HA; HC