P-254a) Serial # prefixes: AA, AF, AH, BA, BB, BC, BD, BG, BH, CA, CB, CH, CJ (089725000)
Signatures: Guido Mantega (Minister of Finance; 2nd variety) & Alexandre Antônio Tombini (25th President of t.. Смотреть далее »he Central Bank)
Front: Symbolic effigy of the Republic, interpreted in form of a sculpture. Back: Red-and-green macaw (Ara chloropterus).
Put into circulation: 23.07.2012 P-254b) Serial # prefix: CJ (089725001–138965000)
Signatures: Joaquim Vieira Ferreira Levy (Minister of Finance) & Alexandre Antônio Tombini (25th President of the Central Bank)
Issue: 2015 P-254c) Serial # prefixes: CJ (138.965.001), EH, EJ, FC, FE, FH, GC (061.800.000)
Signatures: Henrique de Campos Meirelles (Minister of Finance) = Ilan Goldfajn (26th President of the Central Bank)
Issue period: 2016-2018 P-254cx) Error print of P-254c.
Serial # range: GC (012650001–12659999) P-254d) Serial # prefixes: GG, GK, HB, HD
Signatures: Eduardo Refinetti Guardia (Minister of Finance) & Ilan Goldfajn (26th President of the Central Bank)
Issue period: 2018-2019 P-254e) Signatures: Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes (Minister of Economy) & Roberto de Oliveira Campos Neto (27th President of the Central Bank)
Serial # prefixes: HG; HI; IB; JA
Issue: 2019